Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good For Another 3 Months

I had my 3-month check up three days ago and everything is clear. What a relief! I'm good to go until March, when I have another mammo and check-up. The problems I'm having with the Tamoxifen is a known factor, but I can't change medications in the near future. So for now I will try to alleviate them holistically (sp?).

Today we get our Christmas tree. I need to try to get into the Christmas spirit. Remembering where I was a year ago should make me very thankful, but somehow the joy isn't there. It will come in time, I think.


  1. Hi Lou, I'm so glad to hear the good news! Hopefully you can relax and enjoy the holidays knowing that the battle is behind you. Give yourself a few days, get the tree and decorations up, and I have no doubt that you'll be infected with the Christmas spirit :). Hope you have a great week, and again, I'm really happy for you!

  2. Go caroling! As you know, I am a world class Scrooge, but singing carols with my new group was a pile of fun! People really appreciated it, and that made me feel good.


  3. Hi Lou Ann!!!

    This is great news!!!!!! I'm so glad that black cloud is gone; may it never, never, never return. I bet the joy will return, too; you've been through a lot and I imagine it takes some time just to feel normal again. That said, I hope you are able to get some help with the Tamoxifen side effects holistically. When I read your earlier post about the side effects, my thought was "gosh, I feel that way MOST OF THE TIME"....maybe it is menopause? I have sometimes thought I was losing my mind; I attributed it to stress from dealing with my crazy family, but now I'm wondering if it's just menopause. Hmmmm. Have you ever seen Woody' Allen's Manhattan Murder Mystery? Whenever I'm down or anxious, I watch that movie. It never fails to make me laugh.

    Talk to you soon, Love, Megan

    PS. You have handled a difficult year with more grace than I could ever have mustered.
