Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 2012 - Health Update

I just finished up my last 3 month check-up this week. Now I only have to go into the oncologist every 6 months. Everything came out fine, but the mammo was very painful for some reason. I think who does it makes a big difference. I am also switching to an aromatase inhibitor, Arimidex, instead of the Tamoxifen that I have taken for almost 2 years. It's list of side-effects reads like a horror film, but I hope that I don't experience any of them! The most troubling is extreme joint and muscle pain. But the benefits outweigh the cons, the biggest being it is more effective in fighting a recurrence of breast cancer. Tomorrow is my 52nd birthday and I guess I have to feel pretty good about where I am physically and mentally. Here's to another year well-lived!

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