Monday, July 18, 2011

Master Naturalist

You might be asking yourself, "what is a master naturalist"? Don't get it confused with a "naturist", which would mean that I had joined a nudist colony. That may come later. The Master Naturalist program is offered state by state around the nation, and teaches you the skills you need to identify the flora and fauna around you. I, along with two friends, spent a week in Missoula taking an intensive 40 hour class (which we all passed!), and we are now Certified Montana Master Naturalists. As part of our annual certification requirement, we have to volunteer 40 hours of our time on various projects having to do with nature. We also have to attend 8 hours of either classes, lectures or workshops to help hone our skills.

This program has opened up a whole new world for me. I've learned to journal, which includes sketching what I see, and making notes; I can identify trees, shrubs and wildflowers, and also insects. Bird identification was a large part of the class, and sketching birds really made me notice details that I had taken for granted after birding for so many years.

So, I'm hoping to offer nature walks for groups around Bozeman, and share my new found knowledge and excitement with other people. Other than that, I will be boring my husband and friends to tears!

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