Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ups and Downs

The past month or so has been a real rollercoaster for me emotionally. I have been feeling very depressed, with low energy levels and lots of tears. I was beginning to think I was losing it mentally. To help myself snap out of this, I went for acupuncture last week. After talking to my acupuncturist, she told me it was probably a side-effect of the Tamoxifen that I take. If you remember from earlier posts, Tamoxifen is an estrogen inhibitor which pushes your body into menopause (for those of us who haven't gotten there yet). Well, just knowing that made me feel better. I also started taking Vitamin D, which is known to help with depression. I have felt so much better over the past week. My energy is back. There's been a lot less crying, and I feel much more hope for the future.


  1. I know what you need - some rain! Come back!

  2. GO LOU ANN! Have a grand turkey day. See you in December. Teri
