Thursday, April 1, 2010

Powder Skiing

What more could a girl ask for? Sunny blue skies, fresh powder snow, husband and friends to ski with .... I had such a great day. Judging by the stiffness this morning, I might have possibly overdone it just a teensy bit. But it's a good feeling. I'll really appreciate the massage I'm having this afternoon!

Lou Ann


  1. You look great on the lift! Enjoy your massage - Lara will take all the kinks out. Hugs, Teri

  2. Lou, How great you can be up and skiing and enjoying! What a boost for you. I wish I could be with you and we will a few more days. Can't wait!
    Love, Mom

  3. dear Lou Ann
    I'm almost envious. I've already parked my skis for this season. Mom and I got up only twice on the fine cross-country trails near Snoqualmie Pass. But we had great weather, a nice lunch sitting on a garbage bag on the snow bank.
    We'll see you both in about a week.
    Love and hugs
