Saturday, June 19, 2010


Well, I did it! I'm done with radiation treatment. It's been a long haul since my diagnosis way back in early December, but I made it through, and now hopefully, I can begin to return to a more normal life. I still have to take the estrogen inhibitor Tamoxifen for a few years, and get check-ups every few months, but the really hard part is behind me.

To all of you who have given me support and love through the past 7 months: I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It goes without saying that my husband John took such good care of me and got me through all those tough days. He has always been my biggest supporter. Both of us now look forward to some summer camping, and travel in the coming months.

I will continue to work on getting my strength and stamina back to normal, as well as grow some hair! That hair thing is a constant reminder of my cancer, and the sooner it grows back, the better.

As to this blog, I will be posting less often, but will let you all know when something important happens.

Lou Ann


  1. Break out the champagne!! Congratulations! Talk about a graduation!!!!!!!!!


  2. congratulations, Lou Ann
    Your Viking blood has helped carry your temporary burden, Now your life can get back to normal, even though it will take a little time for the adjustment.
    Love and hugs from Dad ( on Father's Day)

  3. Hi Lou Ann,

    Wow....a lot has happened since I last checked in (I've been out of town a lot the past month.Congratulations!!!!!!! I'm so glad for you, and for John. It does sound, from all your blogs, that he has been a real support for you during these months. I'm so glad this is behind you. It's the summer time now...isn't hair supposed to grow faster in hot weather? Yours will be back before you know it!

  4. "Anonymous" is Megan.

    I've never been sure how to do this!

  5. ooops, just realized there are a lot of "Anonymous-es."

    Well, one of them is Megan
