Thursday, September 30, 2010


Yellowstone Park is one of those places we never get enough of, no matter how many times we visit. There's always something to see, new places to explore, or a favorite to re-visit.

John and I just returned from our camping trip, and we really didn't want to come home. Every day was warm and sunny, and each evening was filled with a sky-full of constellations. While we sat in front of our nightly campfire, the sounds of yipping coyotes and bugling elk reached our ears.

On one of the hikes we took, John noticed a fresh bear print on the trail. While we were discussing whether it was a small black bear or grizzly that made it, we saw another huge bear print, obviously a grizzly. We thought it must have been a female with a cub. It seemed like a good time to turn around and head back to the trailhead! Even though we didn't see a bear, the thought of one having walked the same path just before us made my heart race a little.

I've posted a few photos I took for your perusal. I wish I had taken one of that bear print ....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Back in the Bozeman Groove

We've been home just over a week, and getting back in the Bozeman groove. After being weighed at the doctor's office a couple of weeks ago, I decided it was time to lose a few pounds. So I'm back at the gym and also going to yoga classes. Yoga is so great for releasing stress and focusing on the moment. It's good, too, for stretching out those stiff muscles, which I seem to have a lot of recently. Christy would say that's because I'm getting old!

Tonight, John and I are attending a fundraiser for the Cancer Support Community, which has done so much for me over the past 7 months. I'm trying to talk myself into wearing the dress that I wore at Courtney's wedding. I don't have that many opportunities to dress up in Bozeman, so why not take advantage? (See photo of John and I from the gala, above)

Tomorrow, we hook up our little camper and head to Yellowstone for a few days. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and this will probably be our last opportunity to go camping before it gets too cold. As it is, night time temps are dipping into the 20s, so I'm taking my down comforter!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Clean Bill of Health

Today was my first 3 month check-up with the oncologists. I had to have a mammogram as well as blood work done prior to my doctor's appointments today. While the mammogram was a bit unnerving, everything was clear and normal! I'm so glad to have that behind me.

What unnerved me was that I was asked to stay for an ultrasound after finishing the mammogram. Now, the last time this happened was 9 months ago, and you know the rest of that story. So there was a lot of scary deja vu as I laid there in the ultrasound room. But it was simply to be thorough and absolutely sure there was nothing hiding behind my surgical scar.

My next check-up is in December with the oncologist, and the next mammo is in 6 months. It's time to stop worrying and move forward!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Wedding

A couple of weeks ago, John and I attended my niece Courtney's wedding in Eastern WA. It was quite the family affair. My entire family was present, as well as Courtney's mom's side of the family, plus lots of friends. It was a beautiful outdoor wedding, set in front of a stately homestead house overlooking the Methow River. The bride was beautiful and the groom handsome. I think they will be a good match. My nephew Erik provided music with his guitar during the ceremony and the first dance. I was so proud of him!

Several speeches were made during the reception dinner, including one by my dad. The first part was completely in Norwegian, which of course nobody understood (except for maybe my mom), followed by several classic Ole and Lena jokes, as only my dad can tell them (and get away with!). He had the place rolling with laughter.

My brother Chris looked every bit the father of the bride and very handsome in his tux. It was so emotional to see him give away his daughter. One down and two daughters to go!

Photos to follow .....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reading List

This morning I started thinking about all the books I read during my cancer treatment this past winter and spring. Now, for those who know me well, I'm notoriously slow getting through a book, mainly because I only read about a page before falling asleep. But when you are undergoing chemotherapy, your sleep patterns get completely turned around, especially with the steroids you have to take. So all of a sudden, I became a voracious reader.

I wrote down all the books I have read up to today (those I can remember), and thought I'd share them on the blog. I'm not guaranteeing they were all great, but they help keep your mind occupied.

Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil - John Berendt
The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd
The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
The Girl Who Played With Fire - Stieg Larsson
Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
Border Songs - Jim Lynch
The Ginger Tree - Oswald Wynd
The Reliable Wife - Robert Goolrick
The Gravedigger's Daughter - Joyce Carol Oates
Skinwalkers - Tony Hillerman
Harry Potter
The Mermaid Chair - Sue Monk Kidd
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
Hotel At The Corner of Bitter & Sweet - Jamie Ford
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot
Murder on the Orient Express - Agatha Christie
Double Take, A Memoir - Kevin Michael Connolly