Monday, March 8, 2010

Under the Radar

I've been under the radar the past few days, so I thought I'd post an update. The side-effects from the latest chemo have been pretty similar to last time, just maybe a teensie bit worse. Muscle/body aches and extreme tiredness have kept me down since Friday, but yesterday was a little better, and I'm hoping today is even more better. It's really hard to be sick and inside when the weather outside has been so beautiful. I managed a walk around the neighborhood with friend Nancy yesterday, and just sitting on the front porch in the sun really feels good.

I watched the Oscars last night from beginning to end. The first time ever! It was mostly entertaining, and I was glad to see Jeff Bridges win his first Academy Award. He has always been a favorite actor of mine, ever since "Rancho Deluxe".

Today I look forward to a visit from BWAG friend Karen, who has made me some really nice polarfleece hats to wear. I'll be stylin'!

Lou Ann


  1. Hope you are feeling stronger each day, Lou Ann. I too enjoyed the Oscars and jumped for joy that Jeff Bridges won. Hugs, Teri

  2. Amazing bird picture on top. Glad you are feeling better each day. Hang in there!!!! :)
