Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We've had John's sister Nikki and husband Paul here visiting yesterday and today, and have enjoyed two delicious dinners together (courtesy of John). Tonight's feast was corned beef and cabbage, and I added some homemade biscuits. We enjoyed every bite. Tomorrow they head back towards Plentywood, MT. If you don't know where Plentywood is, it's in the northeastern-most corner of the state, not quite in North Dakota and not quite in Canada. Tomorrow afternoon, my good friend Christy is flying in from Bellevue. She's staying over the weekend, and I can't wait to see her. This week is going fast!

Today I double-dipped and followed up my weekly acupuncture with a very relaxing massage. I think the acupuncture is helping with my energy level and the headaches, too.

More to follow later.

Lou Ann


  1. Too bad Christy turned out to be a flake! Or is that a fluke... I think it was a good decision not to come. Whatever bug I seemed to have had hung around the rest of Thursday and into Friday morning.
    I am wishing I was there!!!

  2. Well, I was disappointed that you didn't come, but understand your reasons. It will be better weather, and maybe even some green grass when you come later this spring. I took your absence as an opportunity to get my taxes finished, plus I finally got my wig. Maybe you should not come more often. I might get more stuff done.

  3. Oh yeah! THAT makes me feel better!!!

