Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hiking to Better Health

John has been really good for getting me out walking and hiking almost everyday. One of our favorite hikes is Drinking Horse Trail. It's short, but fairly steep. I find that my stamina isn't very good, so I have to stop a lot. But I persevere, and eventually we reach the top, which has a great view of the Gallatin Valley. Yesterday evening was beautiful, so I asked John to take my picture with the Gallatin Range behind me. I'm hiking my way to better health.

Today was the halfway point in my radiation treatment. Hooray! Only 16 more to go.


  1. Go GIrl! What a great picture - vibrant and bright you are. Hugs, Teri

  2. What a great picture!I can't wait to see you in person. Love, Mom

  3. Hiking and birding...the best treatments.
