Sunday, February 21, 2010

Good Friends

I am so lucky to have all the good friends that I do. They have really kept me going through this with their love and support.

Yesterday I was feeling so tired, and unmotivated to go outside. But friends Diane and Mary (a friend since Jr. High) came over and we went for a walk across Bozeman on the Gallagator Trail. I think about 4 miles in all. It was snowing, but fairly warm. We talked and laughed the whole way, of course. The fresh air was invigorating, and I felt the tiredness flow out of my body. We also spotted a few interesting birds along the way, including Bohemian Waxwings. Diane and I are going to make a bird-watcher out of Mary yet!

Lou Ann


  1. It's such great fun spending time with you. Looking forward to many, many more walks, birds,books and beyond! Love, Diane

  2. Got caught up on all of your news this morning. I think of you daily and keep positive thoughts close to my heart. Your outdoor wanderings sound revitalizing---I'm there right along with you in spirit. Keep the faith, special friend!


  3. Really sorry to hear about this. My sister had breast cancer, has been in remission now for 15 years. I know you can beat it.
